We also had a little fun along the way, programming the Cyber-Tone to teach you the Cyber-Tone tag: Perfect Pitch Every Time – Cyber-Tone.
During one rehearsal, we were struggling to stay on pitch in a particular section. Our director asked the pitch pipe guys to keep blowing the pitch. We repeated the section over and over while my prototype Cyber-Tones kept playing that pitch. This is how Sticky Tones came to be, which also frees up your hands if you want to tune an instrument. On another occasion, we were rehearsing our uptune with a metronome in the background to stay on tempo. The pitch of the metronome was in a different key and became distracting to me. I wondered, why can’t we pick the key the metronome plays in? I did some research and realized no one had done this! That’s how we created the Perfect Pitch Metronome feature—to play in your key, at your tempo.
Cyber-Tone is a family business and is made in the USA with USA components. Our circuit boards are manufactured in Washington State, using chips primarily made in Texas, and the cases are printed in Illinois. Dave and his kids handle the final assembly in their kitchen, then ship them to me. My family helps print labels and test each unit for functionality before we carefully pack them, and take them to the post office. Cyber-Tone is the culmination of a passion for both music and innovation. It’s not just a business; it has been a great way to get the whole family involved in something that we all want to see succeed. It's also my way of giving back to the musical community that has shaped me. I hope that Cyber-Tone can play a small part in helping you and your musical group create beautiful music to share with the world.
In Harmony,
Will Jarrett - Founder Cyber-Tone